52 States in 8 Months

Adventskalender: Was wird bei dir zuhause gebacken?

Posted in Adventskalender, Newark by Ulf on December 12, 2008

What is baked at your home? Well, very little.

My lessor Mary is about 80 years old. She once said “I don’t cook” which I think means that she usually gets her food delivered. That seems to be quite normal in the States. But we never talked about food again, so I’m not really certain. The guys who I share the apartment with (1x Spanish, 2x Columbian plus me) however do cook, although we also sometimes get meals delivered. And, at least when one of the others is cooking, it smells very good ;-). But as you asked about baking stuff: We don’t have a real oven, so we won’t bake cakes or cookies.

bild3835We do however have two little oven-like thingys. Their switches say that they can get up to 400°F hot which should be alright for most things. But their timers allow a maximum of 6 minutes of heating. That is very different to a normal oven.

If you have asked yourself why this Adventskalender response is late: Well, I went to Pathmart yesterday and got some baguette, some margarine** and some cooked ham. This morning I used our oven toaster for the first time! :-). Now my answer to the initial question is: “Bei uns wird Baquette (aufge)backen!” :-)

**In fact the margarine does not call itself margarine. The box just says “Better than Butter” as a product name.

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